A-054 My Son

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My Son, My Son


A síx-sentence story for every pair of students, each sentence appearing on a separate slip or paper.-

There is a road accident.

A lorry ran over a man and his son,

The father was killed outright.

The boy was taken to hospital

The surgeon at the hospital recognised him.

'My son,' cried the surgeon, horrified , 'that's my son.'



Students working in pairs receive six slips Of paper, not in the above order, which they have to arrange in a sequence which makes sense. Those pairs who finish quickly should not divulge their solution to the problem. After a few minutes those who are struggling could be asked to express theír difficulties.




A simple, but very effective means of stimulating discussion about sex roles and stereotyping, and of illustrating the idea that we tend to view the world on the basis of a fixed set of assumptions. Some pairs will probably work out the 'answer' (that the surgeon is the boys mother), but there will usually be a number who fail to solve the problem, or who offer a tortuous alternative solution, and who will be startled when they are told. Therein lies the power of this exercise: the sudden self-discovery of ones own assumptions and limited perspective. Because of the -trick" element of this exercise, ¡t may need to be handled with some sensitivity, particularly for those who did not get the 'right answer.

Primary / Secondary, 10 minutes.


Doing Things Pack (Maidenhead Teachers Centre, .

Novedades Abril 2.000